
If you are anything like me (and you probably wouldn’t be on this blog if you weren’t) the longest days of the year are during the off season of hunting. I have an avid passion for adventuring in the west in my endless pursuit for priceless experiences and moments in nature. I rarely hunt with a guide because I enjoy the do it yourself aspect of the hunt, the researching, planning, scouting, packing and prep work.  If you are one of those hunters that find themselves spending hours studying maps or getting lost on Google Earth all winter then we have something in common. And if you are like me than the anticipation you have for summer to arrive, so you can take those first few steps into the high mountain basins, that you have day dreamed about for months, can be hard to express to friends, coworkers and sometimes even your wife.


The purpose of this blog is to be my outlet for both you and me but also to keep me from lying in bed dreaming of past and future adventures above tree line all winter long. I have a hunger for the backpack style of hunting that drives me to the point of testing any and all new gear on the market. I find myself on an endless pursuit to find ways to shave mere ounces off of my pack weight. I have been called a ‘gear whore’ by my wife on more than once occasion due to the constant amount of boxes full of equipment that show up on my doorstep all year round. I am always in search of the best possible gear I can throw in my pack during fall and will use this site to post extensive, in-depth reviews of all the new and old products that I encounter.


So if you don’t mind the thin air above tree line in the Rocky Mountains, come share a journey or two with me and share yours as well because the best things I have ever learned are from fellow hunters like you.

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